A Little About Me
My vision is to educate, support, inspire and empower women to realize their inherent authentic gifts and live their lives with self love and passion. ~Devika Khatri
Hi, I’m Devika.
I help women like you who long to have deep love and connection with their men so they can feel authentic and liberated.
Reach me to know how I can help you.
Devika has 10 years of experience working with women in her Spiritual Organization. She is fulfilling her calling to experience life not only as a spiritual aspirant but also as a woman desiring deep love, passion and commitment with her husband.
Although she has been married for 36 years, she has been transforming her own relationship over the past 2 years by realizing that the secret to her soul satisfying relationship is the deep connection between her and her husband.
Her belief is that women are Divine manifestation of God and are gifted with unlimited potential and through their feminine essence can experience pure love, fulfilment and happiness.
She is passionate about helping women who are experiencing challenges in communication, frustrations with lack of trust, support and respect.
Devika is a Life Coach and Master NLP Practitioner. She has helped women overcome their limiting beliefs, build self-confidence to communicate more effectively, understand their purpose, their own feelings, beliefs and values and beliefs and values of their partners to create life and relationships they desire.
Certified Life Coach
Certified Master NLP Practitioner
Certified Master Deep State Re-patterning Practitioner
Certified Master Hypnotherapy